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About Hadleigh High School

We want to provide you with as much support as possible in order to help you as best we can in your transition to Hadleigh High School.  You can work your way through the pages below or go straight to a particular section by clicking the relevant topic. 

Meet Some of Our Staff

Knowledge Organisers & Homework 

HHS Values

Food & Drink 

Core Rules

House System 


Extra-curricular Clubs 

School Day




Daily Equipment

School Transport

Student Guide FAQ

Meet Some of Our Staff



Mrs Shingleton - Headteacher



 Mrs Martin - Year Learning Leader for Year 7 (2024-25)

What is your role at HHS?

As the Year Learning Leader for Year 7, one of my first jobs is to ensure that your transition from Primary to Secondary School is as stress free as possible. I am looking forward to seeing you at our information evening and transition day. It’s understandable that some of you will be feeling nervous about starting Secondary School (I was too), but I hope that within the first couple of days you will feel settled and will be enjoying Hadleigh High life.  We are like one big family and are here to help you with anything that may worry you. Alongside myself, we have a fantastic team of tutors to support you each day and a fabulous Student Management Team. 


Throughout your five years with us, you will experience so many wonderful things in school and make friends for life. All of the staff are really looking to meeting you and   helping you on your High School journey. 

How might Year 7 students come across you at HHS?

When I am not teaching English, I can be found in the Student Management Team office (SMT for short).  You will also see me during your form time as I like to pop in and see how you are all getting on. 


Describe two things you like about HHS?

  • I like the students and staff. We are lucky that we are not a huge secondary school as it makes it easy for us all to get to know each other quickly and build positive relationships.
  • I like our school values of Aim High, Work Hard, Be Kind.  Aim High and Work Hard are about doing your best even when things might be a challenge. Be Kind means you are kind to others and look after each other.  I like our core because they are for life not just for school.


What are your two top tips for students joining HHS?

  • Try something new! If you haven't been in a school play before - sign up! If you haven't been in a sports team before - give it a try!  There are so many clubs and opportunities at our secondary school, give them a go!
  • Be kind!  Some of you may be joining HHS already knowing a lot of people but some may not know many people at all.  It is a great chance to make new friends.  Sit next to somebody you don't know at break or lunch. Strike up a conversation with someone at a club. If you see someone looking a bit lost or on their own, invite them to join your friend group


Miss Cannon - SENDCo


What is your role at HHS?  


I am the special educational needs coordinator.  I lead the Learning Support Team and together we help lots of students who need a bit of extra help at school.  I also teach PSHEe.  I have already spoken to your primary schools to make sure we understand what your strengths are and how we can support you when you come to Hadleigh High.

Where might Year 7 students come across you at HHS? 

I'll be popping into your lessons in the first few weeks to try to get to know you all and to see how you're all settling in.  I might also meet with your parents/carers so that we can talk about the help some of you might need.  You might even be lucky enough to be in one of my PSHE classes!


Describe two things you like about HHS?

  • Smiles! I love the fact that people are happy at Hadleigh High School. Teachers are happy to teach here and we are proud of our school community. People smile at each other and care about each other.
  • Aiming High. At Hadleigh High School it's cool to try your hardest and it's cool to do well. I like that teachers see the best in you all and help you to achieve the very best that you can. 


What are your two top tips for students joining HHS?

  • Don't panic!  If you're worried about something, just talk to us. We like helping each other.
  • Start as you mean to go on.  Think about the kind of student you want to be at Hadleigh High School and you can make it happen. 


Mrs Grimsey - KS3 SENDCo

How might Year 7 students come across you at HHS?


I am based in the Learning Support Centre where I can be found working with students both during lessons and at break-time.  You might also see me out on duty at lunchtimes, helping students.


Describe two things you like about HHS?

  • I like the fact that HHS feels like a community.  We have a great team of staff who share the same aspiration that all students should believe in themselves and that by following the school values of Aim High, Work Hard, Be Kind, they will develop into young adults ready for that big wide world.
  • My three children have all attended HHS and managed not to be too embarrassed that their Mum worked at the school.  I love my job and enjoy coming to work.  Even if you are not keen on school, I guarantee that there will be something you will enjoy at HHS, be it Lego club, football club, maths club or even Pokemon club!


What are your two top tips for students joining HHS?

  • Try not to worry - you are in the same situation as every other student on their first day. Staff and older students have lots of experience in handling anything from getting lost to forgetting your lunch.  We will all help you.
  • Accept that moving to high school is going to be different and a big change, but a good one that will seem very normal after the first couple of days. 



Mrs Youngs - Student Manager

What is your role at HHS?

I work with two other members of staff and we run the Inclusion Rooms.  We are here to help and support you if you need to spend time somewhere quiet, or if you need to talk about a problem.  You may also see us support you in a lesson if you are finding it challenging.


How might Year 7’s come across me at HHS?

You might see me supporting one of your year group in a lesson, helping them with their work and supporting them with their choices.  You might also see me first thing in the morning if you choose to come to the library before school.  I will be there to listen to you and support you if you need help or information with any difficulties you may have.


What do you like about HHS?

  • HHS is a very friendly school. The students and staff are all very approachable and they will always try and help you.
  • Students are very proud of their school, they are very mindful about litter, being polite to each other for example opening doors for their peers and staff.


What are your 2 top tips for students joining HHS?

  • Make sure that each night before school you have your uniform ready and your school bag packed with all the books and equipment you need to help your school day run smoothly.
  • Enjoy yourself, always try your best and never give up, as you will be surprised at how quickly the five years of high school will go. 


Mr Etchingham - Deputy Headteacher

Info panel picture

What is your role at HHS?  

I am Deputy Headteacher as well as a teacher of English. One of my jobs is to lead the Student Management Team and oversee the behaviour systems throughout the school.  This means that I work very closely with your Year Learning Leader, Ms. Martin.  Between us, we support all of our students in aiming high, working hard and being kind - our core school values. Alongside this, I am also the 'Raising Standards Lead'. This means that I monitor how well students are doing across the school and help to find ways of overcoming any problems students have so that they can be the best they can be!


Where might Year 7 students come across you at HHS?  

You may end up being in one of my English classes or one of my reading groups.  If not, you will also see me taking some of your Year 7 assemblies, out on duty at break times or even just popping into your lessons to find out how you are getting on.   


Describe two things you like about HHS?

Hadleigh High School is a real community school. Staff and students are genuinely friendly and supportive and this means that, when new students join us, they need not worry about settling in to a new environment. Our students are fantastic at living our school value of 'Be Kind' and they are always happy to help new students, visitors and teachers alike. HHS is also a medium sized school, so staff and students get to know each other really well. 


There is a real sense of teamwork across the school and wider community. We work hard to make our school a tolerant, inclusive and inspiring place to be so that our students can really thrive both in their academic journey and their personal growth towards adulthood. We recognise how important it is to feel confident throughout the years our students are with us, so we value the relationships we forge to ensure this is a great place to work for all!


What are your two top tips for students joining HHS?

Make sure you are always organised and have things you need with you at school everyday: get your school bag ready before you go to bed, check you have your basic equipment plus other things for certain lessons, such as PE. Most importantly, get a good night's sleep so you are ready to learn and do your best!


Always ask for help when you need it and never worry about getting everything right, all of the time. As Einstein himself said, 'Failure is just success in progress.'



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HHS Values

 Our values are simple:   

Aim High, Work Hard, Be Kind. 


We celebrate students who demonstrate our value of Aim High and aspire to do their best in every aspect of their school life. They reflect on their success and respond positively to feedback.


We celebrate students who demonstrate our value of Work Hard and demonstrate excellent behaviour at all times. Students complete all work to the best of their ability, meet deadlines and are self-motivated. They work with enthusiasm and are willing to adapt their ideas as their knowledge develops.


We celebrate students who demonstrate our value of Be Kind and show respect to everybody in the school and beyond. They are active members of our community who build positive relationships with all and care for their environment. They work well in teams and co-operate to help and support each other. 


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Core Rules

You are expected to take responsibility for your learning and conduct.  Expectations at Hadleigh High are clear and consistent to ensure you have a calm and effective learning environment.  As you will see from our core rules, we expect high standards and take pride in the positive partnerships we have with students and parents/carers.
Our basic expectations are as follows.
  • Be on time
  • Be in the correct uniform
  • Move quietly and calmly around school
  • Be prepared to learn with appropriate equipment
  • Follow instructions immediately
  • Never use foul and abusive language
  • Keep mobile phones/headphones in bags 

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Uniform is an important part of our school.  We believe it promotes a sense of identity and establishes good working habits.  An acceptance of a place at Hadleigh High implies an acceptance of our uniform and dress code.


A detailed overview of the uniform is found here

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School Day

In comparison to most primary schools, we start quite early at Hadleigh High.  You have to be at school before the gates are closed at 8.25am.  If you get to school after this time you must go in via school reception.  You will have registration every morning in your form group but every Friday you will have a year group assembly in the Drama Hall.  You will have four 75 minute lessons each day with a morning break of 20 minutes and a lunchtime of 40 minutes. 

The timings of our school day are as follows. 

08:00  - 0.8:25 Arrive at school (gates locked at 08:25)
08:30 - 08:50


08:50 - 10:05

Lesson 1

10:05 - 10:25

Break for KS3

10:25 - 11:40

Lesson 2

11:20 - 11:40

Break for KS4

11:40 - 12:55

Lesson 3

12:55 - 13:35


13:35 - 14:50

Lesson 4


End of school


Late bus (Tue, Wed, Thu)

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What and how you are taught at high school is very different to primary school.  At high school you are taught more subjects and you will have a different teacher for each subject.  You do not stay in the same classroom all day, instead you will move around to different classrooms for each lesson.


Here is an idea of what your timetable might look like, each lesson has a subject code, staff code and room:


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Daily Equipment

Below is a list of what you are expected to have with you at school every day. We will provide you with a Student Guide, Knowledge Organiser and exercise book on your first day.  There will be some days that you need other equipment for lessons, such as your PE kit or cooking ingredients.  We expect you to be ready to learn in lessons, this means being organised with your equipment. Our advice is to get into the habit of packing your school bag the night before.

  • Black/blue & green writing pens
  • Pencil, sharpener & eraser
  • Scientific calculator
  • Clear 30cm ruler
  • Clear pencil case
  • Student Guide (provided)
  • Knowledge organiser & exercise book (provided)
  • Reading book

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Essential Information

At the back of the Knowledge Organiser is a section on Essential Information.  This section holds a lot of information that you will need to know about, it includes the timings of the school day, and will have a space for you to copy your timetable into.


The Essential Information section also includes our school values/rules, the house system and provides details of some of the rewards you will receive for good work and behaviour.   This section contains some really helpful advice and support if you are ever worried about something.

When you join Hadleigh High you will be taught how to use our school email and other IT systems - but this information will also be in the Essential Information section of your knowledge Organiser.  

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Go4Schools is a website that you will be given a log-in to. Teachers and parents/carers will also have logins.  Go4Schools holds lots of important information. As well as being able to see your timetable and attendance data, Go4Schools is also where your teachers will set your homework.  Your teachers update Go4Schools so that you can see how you are doing in all your subjects and it is where you will find your Attitude to Learning reports as well.  You will also be able to see your behaviour record and details of house points awarded by your teachers.


A Go4Schools app is available which is simple to use and can be viewed on a smartphone or tablet.


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Knowledge Organisers & Homework

Homework is an essential part of your education.  It is designed to make sure that you know the essential facts, language and ideas that will make you successful in your studies.


Each term, you will be given a Knowledge Organiser booklet which contains key facts and information you need to know for each subject.  It also contains a homework timetable for each week of the term making it clear what subject should be studied for homework and when.  You will get two pieces of homework each night.  The work is set by class teachers on Go4Schools so that parents/carers can also see the work set.


The information in the Knowledge Organiser booklet links directly to the work that you will be studying in lessons.  As you go through the school, the Knowledge Organisers help you develop your knowledge and confidence so that you really understand what each subject is about and why it is important.  All of the homework is completed in your Knowledge Organiser exercise book which you must have with you at school every day.  These are checked by your class teachers and form tutor each week to check that your homework is being completed appropriately. 


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Food & Drink

Similar to primary school, you can choose to either bring in a packed lunch or buy food at school.  You can buy a range of both hot and cold snacks and drinks from the snack shack and also items from the main dining hall such as sandwiches, pizza, jacket potato, chicken wraps, burritos, fresh fruit and yoghurt.


The daily meal deal can be bought for £2.47 and includes a main meal or vegetarian option plus a small drink or a pudding. 


Fizzy drinks and energy drinks are not allowed in school.  We are also a nut free school so you must not bring nut-based products into school, as several of our students/staff have  serious nut allergies. 


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House System


All students and staff are part of one of our six houses with one form group in each year representing one of the houses.  The houses are all named after individuals who have a connection to Hadleigh and the local area.


Our Houses are as follows:

Oswald Ansell Duncan
Morris Toppesfield Guthrum

Each house has a staff member as their Head of House and two Junior House Prefects from Year 9.  They hold house assemblies every term to discuss the chosen house charity, fundraising ideas and involvement in upcoming house competitions.


The house system is designed to develop a sense of community and at the same time encourage competition.  You will be able to earn house points individually, as part of a form, and when representing your house in competitions.  House points are tallied up throughout the year with the House Cup being presented to the winners in the whole school assembly on the last day of term.

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Extra-curricular Clubs

Our extra-curricular clubs provide you with lots of opportunities to share your interests with others and learn new skills. The list of clubs is endless, ranging from sport to music, drama to science.


Some clubs take place at lunchtime whilst others take place after school when there is a late bus for those students who don’t live locally.  Throughout the year, all departments contribute to the program of clubs, ensuring we offer you an extensive range of activities to engage as many of you as possible.  Club lists are shared with students and parents/carers on a regular basis.


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You will be praised and rewarded when you meet or exceed our expectations.  To do this, we have a well-developed rewards system, which will recognise your achievements in demonstrating our core values of Aim High, Work Hard and Be Kind.

In lessons, you will receive verbal and written praise using our P system, being awarded positive events on Go4Schools and House points.  You will also be awarded positive Go4Schools events and house points when you demonstrate high standards in our three core values.  These could be awarded for many different things for example; an exceptionally high standard of classwork (Work Hard) or supporting another student with a problem (Be Kind).


During Celebration Assemblies, you can expect to receive certificates and prizes for your house points, attitude to learning reports, achievement and progress, attendance and demonstration of school values.  At other times you may receive praise postcards, phone calls home and end of term/year rewards trips and activities.


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We are very proud of the fact that the vast majority of students display hard working, and kind behaviours.  However, if a student chooses to misbehave there is a clear system to help them make better choices. 

A teacher will give a student a C1 if their learning behaviour is unacceptable and needs to be corrected.  If the student chooses not to change their behaviour, a teacher will give them a C2 and move them to a different seat in the classroom.

If  a student still doesn't make good choices, a teacher will give them a C3.  At this point, the student is automatically given a D15 lunchtime detention and may also be removed from the lesson.

If the poor behaviour continues, the student will be given a C4, removed from the remainder of the lesson and sanctioned accordingly.  All behaviour is recorded on Go4Schools for staff, parents and students to see.


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School Transport

The school bus drop off and pick up point is at the front of school.  If you travel home on a bus, at the end of the school day you simply go directly to the pick up point at the front of school.  Staff are always on duty before and after school to help students if they are unsure.

Parents/carers of all Year 6 students that are eligible for school transport from September should receive information directly from Suffolk County Council before September.  If you have any queries please follow this link for information https://www.suffolkonboard.com/school-travel/ 

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How will I know where to go on my first day?

Staff will be out on the front playground to meet you as you arrive. 


Will I be in the same classes as my friends from primary school?

We will try to ensure you are in the same tutor group with a friend you work well with but cannot guarantee this.  Before the summer holidays your parents/carers will be sent a letter informing them who your Form Tutor will be. 


What will happen if I cannot find a classroom or I am late to a lesson?

We will expect it to take a little while for you to get used to the new buildings and timetable.  Staff and other students will be available to help you find your way round.  Most students manage to find their own way round really well after just a few days. 


Will we be allowed to use the toilet during lessons?

You are expected to be organised and go to the toilet before school, at break times and at lunchtimes.  However, on rare occasions we understand there might be exceptional circumstances.


Will we be allowed to use our phones during the school day?

No, you can only use them after or before you arrive at school.  They must be switched off or on silent and in your bag.  If you have your phone out of your bag at school, it will get confiscated.  If you ever need to contact your parents/carers you must come to the student reception in the dining hall. 


Will I get a detention for bad behaviour?

You will only get a detention if you make poor behaviour choices.  The first time a student behaves badly they will be given a C1 warning.  If it happens again with that same student, they then get what's called a C2.  If it happens for a third time, that student will receive a C3, which is a detention.


Will I get rewards for good behaviour?

The simple answer is yes!  In lessons, you can receive verbal and written praise using our P system, being awarded positive events on Go4Schools and house points.

You can also be awarded positive events and house points when you demonstrate high standards in our three core values.  During Celebration Assemblies, you can expect to receive certificates and prizes.  At other times students may receive praise postcards, phone calls and end of term/year rewards trips and activities.


Is there a homework club?

Yes there is - afterschool in the Learning Support room - staff will be in there to support you if you need help.


When is the library open?

It is open every day before school, at break time and lunch time.


Will I get a Hadleigh High School email address?

Yes, this will be shared with you during your first few days with us.  You will be shown how to use our IT systems but this information will also be in the Student Guide you are given when you join us.


How much homework will I get?

You will need to get used to organising your time.  You will get two pieces of homework each day.  It will be based on your Knowledge Organiser booklet and set by your teachers using Go4Schools.  


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