Pupil Premium
It is our intention to ensure that all students achieve their full potential at Hadleigh High School. Underpinning this is our aim to provide the highest possible standards in teaching and learning for all students. Progress of all students is tracked rigorously with the aim of addressing under performance. However we are aware that some students may need additional support through their school career. At Hadleigh we operate on the principle of DS first, meaning our disadvantaged students are given priority when it comes to options, school trips, additional support classes, careers advice etc.
The plans below set out our actions to ensure that our disadvantaged students achieve as well as possible and there is no gap in achievement with their non-DS peers. It is based on the principles of the following, ongoing, cycle:
Understand the barriers to learning faced by vulnerable students
Put in place the strategies which can aid students in overcoming those barriers
Identify success criteria for those strategies
Evaluate effectiveness
Pupil premium statement September 24 HHS
download_for_offlinePupil premium statement September 24 HHS