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Hadleigh High School

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Staff Members

Creative Arts Head of Faculty: Mr J Revell

Prior Learning

Students will have had no formal exposure to Photography before KS4.

Key Stage 4

Photography suits students who enjoy capturing the world around them and are able to work well with technology. The should be able to work independently and personal commitment is vital as students will need to work hard in lessons and their own time in the preparation and completion of projects. 


A large quantity of work that is assessed is completed during class over the two years. Photography students will arrive at exam season with a significant portion of their marks accumulated and accounted for. 


Unit 1

Internally assessed and externally moderated by exam board.

Students are assessed on 120 guided learning hours which will commence in September of Year 10. The portfolio produced in this unit is worth 60% of the final grade.


Unit 2

Set assignment released in January of Year 11, internally assessed and externally moderated by exam board.

Students will complete exam preparatory work which will involve investigative work, artist research and the development of ideas. They will then produce a personal outcome or outcomes under exam conditions within 10 hours.


Useful websites

and resources

Independent trips to galleries and museums are always encouraged, images and information about work and artists seen can be included within their portfolio.

Possible areas of future Studies

 A Level Photography

Possible future careers


Commercial Art Gallery Manager

Brand Ambassador

Multimedia Specialist

Community Arts Worker

Advertising Art Director

Marketing Assistant

Web Editor