Year 6 Transition
Hello and Welcome to the New Year 7 Students
At Hadleigh High School, we believe the transition from Primary to Secondary school is one of the most important events in a child’s education, and as such we endeavour to ensure that children feel completely supported throughout this process. By investing the time that we do, the vast majority of our students start Year 7 in September without any concerns and quickly become settled and engaged members of our school community.
Whilst we work closely with students from many year groups within our local primary schools, the more formal process of transition begins in October of Year 6 with our Open Days and Open Evening. Students and parents/carers are invited to visit us to hear about why Hadleigh High School is the first choice for a successful future. These occasions allow all of our visitors to meet staff and students and to see some of the activities that go on in the school.
When families have made their choices and we receive, from the admissions team at Suffolk County Council, the allocations for September, we contact all families to make an initial introduction.
During April, May and June, members of the pastoral and support teams visit the primary schools to meet with the class teachers and to share information about the children coming to us in September. This ensures that any relevant information is passed on and helps us to get to know our new students and plan ahead.
In June there will be a transition evening for all parents/carers and year 6 students to allow them to get to know some of the key staff who will be taking care of their child for the next 5 years. This is followed by a transition day where all Year 6 students visit Hadleigh High School. This is a great opportunity for our new students to get to know more about us and for them to meet their new teachers and friends.
For students who may find the transition to secondary school particularly difficult, we liaise with the primary schools to arrange additional induction days. For some students, we allocate a member of the Student Management Team who will meet with them in their primary school to get to know them and help them to gain more confidence about this important time in their life.
If you would like any further information regarding our Transition Programme please contact Mrs Martin, Year Learning Leader for Year 7.
To download a copy of our Parent /Carer handbook click here