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Physical Education

physical education curriculum intent.pdf


Staff Members

Mr T Piddington, Miss A Pryke, Mrs H Wing and Mr D Woods 

PE Head of Faculty: Ms S Clarke

Prior Learning

At KS1 and 2 the aim was for students to:

  • Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
  • Play modified competitive games- apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
  • Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
  • Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Key Stage 3

In Years 7, 8 and 9 students will build on and embed the physical development and skills learned during their Physical Education experience from KS1, KS2 and throughout KS3. They will become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical activities. Through a number of practical units they will understand what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work. Students will also develop the skills of leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication throughout their time in the department.


It is intended for students to develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities out of school and in later life, and understand and apply the long-term health benefits of physical activity.


Each student will have three lessons of PE per fortnight, Year 9 are currently receiving four.


The curriculum is also aimed to sufficiently challenge students in preparation for the KS4 courses PE have to offer, this is achieved through the delivery of the KS3 Knowledge Rich Curriculum. Year 7 students are taught about the skeletal and muscular systems and how they work together in order to aid participation in physical activity. Year 8 students recall Year 7 terminology and in addition are taught how the cardiovascular and respiratory systems work together in order to aid participation in physical activity. Year 9 students gain knowledge and understanding of the principles of training and different training methods in order to plan, carry out, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of personal exercise and training; this also incorporates what they learnt in Year 7 and 8.


Key Stage 3 students will cover a mixture of the following units of work. These units have been chosen to deliver a challenging variety and mix of sports:


  • Rugby;
  • Netball;
  • Hockey;
  • Football;
  • Fitness;
  • Racket Sports (including badminton, table tennis and short tennis);
  • Trampolining;
  • Athletics;
  • Cricket;
  • Tennis;
  • And/or Rounders.


Each scheme of work has been developed by the department’s team members. The schemes also incorporate:


  • The performance of skills and techniques in isolation/unopposed practices - students will learn and perform sport specific skills in isolation or unopposed practice.
  • Application of skills, techniques and decision making under pressure during a conditioned practice and conditioned/formal/competitive situation - students will learn and develop appropriate skills, techniques and decision-making processes to meet the challenges during a conditioned/formal/competitive situation, including using the skills/techniques from isolation/unopposed situations.


Assessment at Key Stage Three

Students are continuously assessed during their PE units. Every year group and sporting activity have their own individual assessment cards.


Continuous assessment allows teachers to check for any gaps in learning and to then tailor lessons and intervention to address these gaps in skill development. 


Students in the past have been assessed in six key areas which cover the performance of sport specific skills in isolation as well as the application of skills in a conditioned practice/competitive situation. As a department, we are currently adapting the way we assess in PE so that the student will now not only be assessed in skill application, but also soft skills. Soft skills students work on every day so it is important these are reflected with assessment. A sample of soft skills include: leadership, teamwork, communication, confidence, resilience, focus and concentration, rule-following, empathy and self-discipline.

Key Stage 4

All KS4 students will have one lesson of core PE per week.


In contrast to KS3, students have more ownership of their curriculum and are able to make choices based on practical option pathways. In addition to the traditional sports studied at KS3, KS4 students can also experience alternative activities including Handball, Lacrosse, Tchoukball and Volleyball.


Students may also opt to take PE further at KS4. For the current Y11 there are two examined courses on offer, GCSE Physical Education and NCFE Level ½ Technical Award in Health and Fitness. Students taking this option will have an additional four lessons per fortnight.


GCSE Physical Education

In GCSE PE, students will receive a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport and sport science by developing an understanding of how the mind and body works in relation to performance in physical activity. The course has a straightforward structure with four engaging and up-to-date components assessed through three practical performances, a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) and two externally examined papers.


Students will study two theoretical units: Fitness and Body Systems and Health and Performance. The course will equip students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and values they need to be able to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities. Students will also gain understanding of how physical activities benefit health, fitness and well-being. Students will be required to perform in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer. Practical lessons will help students demonstrate their skills in isolation/unopposed situations and demonstrate their skills in a formal/competitive situation while under pressure. The final course grade will be reported as a 9-1 scale. Students will be assessed regularly.


Theory Papers (60%): The first exam paper (component 1) is fitness & body systems. This exam paper is 1 hour and 45 minutes and is worth 36% of your qualification. The second exam paper (component 2) is based around health and performance. This exam paper is 1 hour and 15 minutes and is worth 24% of your qualification. The exams consist of multiple-choice, short-answer, and extended writing questions.


Practical Exam (40%): Component 3: Practical Performance (30%). One must be a team activity; One must be an individual activity; The final activity can be a free choice. Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) (10%).


NCFE Level ½ Technical Award in Health and Fitness

This qualification is designed for students who want an introduction to Health and Fitness that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to pursue a career in the Health and Fitness sector or progress onto further study.


The NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness complements GCSE qualifications. This qualification is designed to match the rigour and challenge of GCSE study.

The qualification is graded at (equivalent to GCSE grades 8.5-1):

Level 1 Pass / Merit / Distinction / Distinction* 

Level 2 Pass / Merit / Distinction / Distinction* .


This Level 1/2 qualification is appropriate for students who are looking to develop a significant core of knowledge and understanding in Health and Fitness and how to apply their learning.


It is distinct from GCSE Physical Education, as it encourages students to use knowledge and practical tools to focus on supporting people with specific Health and Fitness goals.


The study of Health and Fitness involves understanding the functions of the body systems, understanding of the principles of training, knowing how the body reacts in the short and long term to fitness activities, how to create and apply lifestyle analysis tools and how to create a fitness programme for a person with specific goals.


The qualification focuses on an applied study of the Health and Fitness sector and learners will gain a broad understanding and knowledge of working in the sector.


To be awarded this qualification, students are required to successfully demonstrate the knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of all 8 mandatory content areas.


This course is only on offer for the current Y11s. 

Examined Assessment (EA)


40% Weighting

Externally Assessed:

Written Examination (externally marked)

Unit Grades:

NYA, L1P, L1M, L1D, L2P, L2M, L2D, L2D*

Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)
60% Weighting

Internally Assessed:

Synoptic Project

(externally quality assured)

Unit Grades:

NYA, L1P, L1M, L1D, L2P, L2M, L2D, L2D*

Assessment and Intervention at Key Stage 4

In Year 10, GCSE PE and NCFE Level ½ Technical Award in Health and Fitness students will sit regular formative assessments allowing teachers to track progress and identify gaps in skills or knowledge. Students will also be assessed twice a year through scheduled knowledge weeks. In addition to this, NCFE students will sit a summative assessment at the end of each unit. Summative assessments include questions that have been taken from papers that have been set by Edexcel and NCFE and allow us to award students an accurate 1-9 grade or L1/2 Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*.


For those students with the most significant progress gaps, after-school intervention sessions will be delivered in order to help them catch up.


In Year 11, GCSE PE and VCERT PE students will sit regular mock exams allowing us to gain accurate data on student progress. These will take place in November and in February. These will be in the sports hall, allowing students to adjust to the pressures of a formal exam. NCFE Level ½ Technical Award in Health and Fitness course comprises two assessments externally-set by NCFE: one non-exam assessment and one written examined assessment.


Students with progress gaps will attend after-school intervention. Most of Year 11 will attend these sessions at some point in the year, allowing learning gaps to be quickly addressed. 

Useful websites

and resources

GCSE PE: https://padlet.com/sclarkehhs/34nin30atbwl7rof

VCERT Health & Fitness: https://padlet.com/sclarkehhs/8gnlbsdhxxyecpr3


Edexcel GCSE PE



NCFE Level ½ Technical Award in Health and Fitness https://www.qualhub.co.uk/qualification-search/qualification-detail/ncfe-level-12-technical-award-in-health-and-fitness-5159


Physical Education, Unit 1 Theory of PE (5PE01 & 5PE03), GCSE Edexcel Physical Education Revision Guide and Workbook, Pearson


NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness Student Book, Hodder Education

Possible areas of future Studies

Depending on the grade the student achieves in their GCSE or NCFE Level ½ Technical Award in Health and Fitness, they could progress onto Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications and/or GCSE/A Levels.


Learners who achieve at Level 1 might consider progression to Level 2 qualifications post-16 such as: a GCSE in Physical Education; study at Level 2 in a range of technical routes that have been designed for progression to employment, Apprenticeships and further study. Examples might include Level 2 Technical Certificates in: Sport and Physical Activity; Sport and Activities Leaders; Exercise and Fitness Instruction; Exercise and Fitness Instruction for Wellbeing; Coaching Sport and Instructing Physical Activities; Physical Activity and Exercise Science.


Learners who achieve at Level 2 might consider progression to Level 3 qualifications post-16 such as: Level 3 Applied Generals in: Sport Studies; Sport and Physical Activity; Sports Performance and Excellence; Sport and Exercise Science.


Level 3 qualifications prepare learners for progression into higher education, employment or onto an Apprenticeship through specialising in a technical occupation potentially in the Health and Fitness sector. Level 3 qualifications provide post-16 learners with the knowledge and skills they need for skilled employment or for further study.

Possible future careers

Employment opportunities for students taking GCSE PE include the sport and leisure industry, travel and tourism and teaching. Students taking VCERT PE will gain knowledge and skills which will provide a secure foundation for careers in the Health and Fitness industry, such as a Health Assistants, Fitness Instructors or Personal Trainers.