RAAC Update
We would like to update you with regards to the provisional arrangements for the start of term.
We have one block of 16 classrooms (DT/Maths and Science) that we are not permitted to use. This means that we will not be able to open to all year groups until we have procured temporary classrooms and re-timetabled to make use of all available space in the school. Whilst I am sure this is disappointing to hear, the fact that the problem is confined to one building means that students can still move around school safely.
We are currently working to secure 14 temporary buildings to allow us to fully reopen. However, we will not know until early next week whether classrooms are available or when they could be delivered and set up. As soon as we have further information, we will update you.
We aim to have three-year groups in school at one time until temporary classrooms are in place, however until we have re-timetabled, we cannot be certain that this will be possible.
To allow us time to plan effectively, we will need to delay the start of term by one day. Therefore, the first day of term will be Thursday 7th September. The provisional return plan is outlined below:
Thursday 7th September - Year 7 to return
Friday 8th September - Years 7 and 11 only
Monday 11th September – We will be confirming the rotational return of Years 8, 9 and 10.
We will write to you again once we are in a position to provide a further update.