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Remote Education Provision

Guidance for Parents

Welcome to this webpage which is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

Roles and responsibilities

The responsibility for Remote Learning is through the Leadership Team at Hadleigh High School. The nominated staff aligned to this are:

Nicola Shingleton: nshingleton@hadleighhigh.net

Peter Etchingham: petchingham@hadleighhigh.net

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of faculty leads to manage and monitor the regular setting of remote learning for their area of responsibility. The subject leads will ensure that the provision follows the school’s usual and relevant scheme of work and is as close to face-to-face provision as is reasonably possible.  Year learning leaders will collect weekly engagement data from all class teachers which will inform whether students are making progress or need further intervention.

Section 1: The remote curriculum

A student’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.

What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of students being sent home?

Students will be set work on a day-to-day basis as per their normal timetable which can be found on Go4Schools.

  • Teachers will set work that follows a well-planned curriculum that continues to build subject knowledge and key skills.
  • Work that is set will be meaningful and ambitious. There will not be an over-reliance on long-term projects or internet research activities.
  • Where students do not have immediate access to on-line provision due to limited IT equipment or internet access, paper copies of work will be provided and can be posted or delivered. 

Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

  • Students will be set work in all their curriculum subjects. This will mirror the normal curriculum and will be set on a day-to-day basis via google classroom.
  • Lessons will be planned and well-sequenced so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject. These will be supported by high quality resources.
  • Students will follow their current timetables which can be found on Go4Schools. The timings of the day are as follows:





8:25 – 8:50 on designated day


8:50 - 10:05


10:20 - 11:40


11:40 – 12:55


1:35 – 2:50


  • We would encourage all students to follow this as closely as possible so that they keep up with their studies and have a structure to their days which we know to be beneficial for their mental health

Section 2: Remote teaching and study time each day

How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take students broadly the following number of hours each day:

Year Groups

Allocation of Teaching Time

Allocation of Time

7, 8 and 9

One form time activity each day. 

20 minutes

Four lessons each day as per students timetable on Go4Schools

60 - 75 minutes

10 and 11

One form time activity each day. 

20 minutes

Four lessons each day as per students timetable on Go4Schools

75 minutes

Section 3: Accessing remote education

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

  • All lessons will be conducted on Google Classroom. Every class on a student’s timetable has a matching Google Classroom that they are a member of. From here students can access ‘live’ lessons using Google Meet as well as resources such as power points and workbooks.
  • Any interaction with students by email, or by any online platform, will be conducted with the same level of professional formality as would be expected in the classroom.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognize that some students may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those students to access remote education:

  • We have a small supply of laptops and mobile dongles that we can provide on loan for any students that do not have access to IT.
  • We can provide paper copies of work in extreme circumstances. Again, please use the details above if this support is required.
  • Work can be dropped off at school for feedback if a child cannot submit their work electronically. Feedback will be provided in line with the information set out in section 4.
  • It may also be that some students who have difficulty engaging in remote education may be considered to be vulnerable children, and therefore eligible to attend provision in person. As outlined in the guidance, this is a decision based on local discretion and the needs of the child and their family.

If you require support with digital access or with on-site provision, then please email support@hadleighhigh.net

How will my child be taught remotely?

We will use the following approaches to teach students remotely:

Lesson Type Interaction / Support

Access to Lesson

‘Live’ lesson delivered through Google Meet with class at the scheduled time according to students’ timetables.

Students can ask questions/ask for support directly to their teacher

Lessons will be recorded and posted on the Google Classroom at the end of the lesson for others to access.

Lesson delivered with recorded video/audio explanations from class teachers and/or other experts

Teachers are available to support students throughout the scheduled time of the lesson.

Lesson posted on Google Classroom at the beginning of the day for students to access at any time.

Lesson instructions and materials posted on Google Classroom.

Students can ask questions/seek support through direct messages to their teacher during the scheduled lesson time.

Lesson posted on Google Classroom at the beginning of the day for students to access at any time


Teachers will use a blend of these lesson types to deliver the curriculum, depending on the nature of the learning required. For example, when introducing new content, ‘live’ lessons may be more appropriate, but when revisiting or revising previously taught content, posting exercises and materials with online support may be more suitable.



Section 4: Engagement and feedback

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

  • We would expect students to engage fully with all the work set. Parents / carers will need to regularly check on their child to make sure they are able to access the work and, if they are struggling, support where possible.
  • We believe that routines are key to success and, therefore, parents / carers should support their child in keeping to a routine, just as they would at school. Maintaining a routine will support with the mental and physical health of children and will also mean they maintain good habits for learning and are ready for the return to school.
  • Parents / carers should encourage their child by creating the conditions for them to be successful: high expectations; knowing what work has been assigned; creating space and providing necessary resources; directing students to their teachers and other sources of help if needed.
  • We would expect parents / carers to monitor weekly the progress of their child on Go4School.

If your child is having difficulty with the work set, you must contact the class teacher in the first instance via google classroom. Help can also be gained via support@hadleighhigh.net

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

  • Whilst lessons will usually be in line with the student’s timetable, all communication regarding the lesson timing or content will take place via google classroom. It is important that you keep up to date with any communication and ensure your child is completing the work as expected.
  • We will check the engagement of individual students on a daily basis.
  • We will record the completion of work on Go4Schools so that parents / carers can monitor their child’s progress.
  • We will be using a 4-point scale to assess engagement levels by each child:

1) Home learning completed to an exceptional standard.

2) Home learning completed.

3) Home learning partially completed.

4) Home learning not completed or submitted.

  • We will analyse completion rates on a weekly basis and if we have concerns over a student’s engagement, we will contact parents and individual students via email / phone calls. We will work collaboratively with all stakeholders to address any issues.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

  • Students will submit work electronically at the end of each day using google classroom. This will allow for staff to check for any gaps or misconceptions.
  • Teachers are encouraged to ensure that, when they set assessed work, it is designed in such a way that meaningful feedback is provided. Feedback can take many forms and it may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. Possible methods may include:

 - verbal feedback in ‘live’ lessons

- on-line quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms

- whole class feedback rather than feedback on individual pieces of work

- using the “Comments” function on google documents

- recorded feedback using a piece of software called ‘mote’

- using google classroom to send individual students specific feedback / targets

  • Providing timely and helpful feedback is a cornerstone of good teaching and learning and, whilst this may be more challenging with remote learning, teachers will endeavour to provide regular feedback to students on pieces of work they are required to submit. The timeframe for feedback will vary by subject but will be in line with the school’s guidance on feedback and marking.

Section 5: Support for students with particular needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognize that some students, for example some students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those students in the following ways:

  • teachers will ensure that work is accessible for all students when setting online tasks
  • profiles available for SEND students will be followed in the same way as if the students were in school
  • their designated link member of staff will maintain contact with students by email or phone with parents / students and will feedback to teachers