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history curriculum intent.pdf


Staff Members

Miss J Harris, Mr P Hughes, Mr S Melton, Mrs C Tunaley and Mr J Vanstone 

Humanities Head of Faculty: Mr I Hagger

Prior Learning

At KS1 and 2 the aim was for students to:

  • Possess a secure understanding of the chronology of the time periods studied- for example stone age to iron age, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, The medieval period and the Tudors.
  • Identify and draw on similarities and differences within given time frames and across previously taught history- for example the invasion of Britain by the Vikings, Anglo Saxons and Scots and the impact of the Roman Empire on Britain
  • Understand the cause and consequence of various events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally-for example world war 2 and its impact on Ipswich and/or the Great Fire of London
  • Understand and explain how different interpretations of historical events may occur
  • Become increasingly critical and analytical thinkers
  • Use historical terms and vocabulary with confidence and understanding
  • Make cross curricular links with history and other core subjects- for example scientific inventions or discoveries, Shakespearean plays (Romeo and Juliet)
Key Stage 3

History is about much more than just the events of the past.  It is about the human condition in all its successes, failures, prejudices, beliefs, alliances and divisions, hierarchies and revolutions.   All people are living histories; from the communities in which we live, to the languages we speak and why we speak them.  


We want our students to aspire to change the world and History is essential for them to make sense of the narrative of why we are where we are politically, culturally, socially, economically and spiritually.


Our curriculum asks big questions in which students can explore substantiative concepts and develop key historical skills.   For example, students explore the concept of power, a unifying theme throughout our units of study, using a series of questions to underpin inquiries:  


  • Who has power? 
  • How did they acquire power?
  • What did they do with their power?
  • Did others challenge their power? Were they successful?
  • Who held those in power to account?


These big questions are as relevant to the study of History as they are to the present day, an example of the connecting tissue that holds the narrative together: to put it simply, the study of history is the study of us.


Assessment at Key Stage 3

Students will undergo formal assessment twice a year during whole school knowledge weeks.  Within lessons students will frequently be assessed using high frequency/low stakes activities


History Long Term Plans - Year 7

History Long Term Plans - Year 8

History Long Term Plans - Year 9 

Key Stage 4

Our KS4 curriculum follows the Edexcel GCSE History Specification.


Paper 1: Thematic study and historic environment

Medicine in Britain, c1250–present

  •  Ideas about the cause of disease and illness
  • Approaches to Prevention and Treatment
  • Case Studies from each time period


The British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.

  • The British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.
  • Knowledge, selection and use of sources for historical enquiries


Paper 2: Period study and British depth study

Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88.

  • Queen, government and religion, 1558–69
  • Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569–88
  • Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 1558–88


Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941–91

  • The origins of the Cold War, 1941–58
  • Cold War crises, 1958–70
  • The end of the Cold War, 1970–91


Paper 3: Modern depth study

The USA, 1954–75: conflict at home and abroad.

  • The development of the civil rights movement, 1954–60
  • Protest, progress and radicalism, 1960–75
  • US involvement in the Vietnam War, 1954–75
  • Reactions to, and the end of US involvement in Vietnam, 1964–75 


History Long Term Plans - Year 10

History Long Term Plans - Year 11     

Useful websites

and resources

We have a selection of books in our humanities library which underpin the KS3 and KS4 curriculum available for students to borrow.  These can be found in the humanities office – please ask a member of staff for help!  


Possible areas of future Studies

 A Level

History links to a range of different choices post 16 due to the transferable skills you develop.  Click on the website below to learn more!


Possible future careers



Public Relations

Immigration Officer

Civil Servant

Heritage Manager

Political Scientist