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Hadleigh High School

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Behaviour for Learning  

As a school we aim to create a positive ethos, with good relationships, equality of opportunity and respect for each other. We believe that the promotion of positive behaviour is fundamental to a happy, learning atmosphere which promotes a thirst for knowledge and learning, and high standards of educational achievement. Underlying all of this is our belief in our core values. 


At Hadleigh High School, praise, encouragement and rewards are central to the ethos of the school and we strongly believe that students should be regularly and fairly rewarded for their achievements, to not only celebrate students’ successes, but to also promote an ethos of high standards of effort, participation, behaviour, attendance and achievement. Our rewards systems and the celebration of success are essential and staff across the school systematically reward students across all year groups. The school operates a number of rewards systems that combine to support and reinforce a positive contribution to Hadleigh High School. Whole school rewards for students include: 

  • Certification of House points and prizes
  • Certification of Attitude to Learning reports
  • Certification of Achievement and Progress
  • Certificates of Attendance
  • Praise postcards/phone calls
  • Lunch queue jump pass
  • Invitation to the Head’s lunch
  • End of term/year rewards trips and activities.


Students at Hadleigh High School welcome the security of clearly defined boundaries. All our students know exactly what is expected of them and that rules will be enforced consistently. As such, it is important that rules, strategies and systems are clearly understood by all members of the school community and that they are applied consistently. With this in mind, our consequence system clearly outlines the expectations that are laid out for all students..

rewards and consequences.pdf