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art curriculum intent.pdf


Staff Members

Mr M Bridges, Mrs S Graham, Miss A Jowett, Ms A MacDonald, Miss A Pryke, Mrs V Reed and Mrs B Warren (classroom technician)

Creative Arts Head of Faculty: Mr J Revell

Prior Learning

At KS1 and 2 the aim was for students to:

  • Have a secure knowledge of:
    • Art materials and how to apply them.
    • Various drawing/painting and modelling techniques
    • Traditional and contemporary artist artworks and an recognise artworks from different art movements.
    • Describe where artwork can be viewed in the local community and school area.
    • How to work individually or as a group to make artwork or projects.
    • Use art related keywords to describe artworks critically and analytically.
    • How to take creative risks and not play safe.
    • How artist display their work and where.
    • Describing how art can make you feel emotionally and how artwork can be a visual or emotional response.
    • How art can inspire you and improve grades in other subjects
Key Stage 3

In Years 7, 8 and 9, students are guided to choose their own theme for sketchbooks. They are then taught a variety of techniques other relevant knowledge which they can apply to their theme and build their sketchbooks around. The process is as follows:


The knowledge taught in each year is as follows:


Year 7: Single Line Drawing, Eric Carle Collages, 3D Letters. 

  • Shading
  • Colour Theory
  • Painting Techniques
  • Artist Profile: Pablo Picasso, Eric Carle, Jasper Johns. 


Year 8: Fauvist Painting, Self Portraits, Clay Robots. 

  • Drawing Techniques (pencil/charcoal/pen)
  • Ink Techniques
  • Oil Pastel Techniques
  • Artist Profile: Henri Matisse, Leonardo Da Vinci, Matias Liimatainen.


Year 9: Stencil Printing, Pop Art, Clay Teapots. 

  • Pop Art
  • Artist Profiles: Andy Warhol & Roy Lichtenstein
  • Stencil Graffiti Art
  • Artist Profile: Banksy


Assessment at Key Stage 3

Students will experience two Knowledge Weeks in each year. They will be assessed on their understanding of the key knowledge and their practical application of it. The understanding accounts for 50% of their grades and the practical application accounts for the other 50%.


Art - Long Term Plans KS3

Key Stage 4

The student will study Pearson Edexcel Art and Design working within the title Art, Craft and Design. The Pearson Edexcel in Art and Design consists of two internally assessed and externally moderated components.


Component 1: Personal Portfolio (Titles/themes for each project are internally set by the department)


Component 2: Externally Set Assignment. (Title/theme set by exam board)


Component 1 is assessed on 120 guided learning hours. Students produce a Personal Portfolio which is divided into three themed projects worth 60% of the final grade.


Component 2 is an externally Set Assignment. Students will complete exam preparatory work in lessons working to meet the same assessment criteria as set in component 1. They will then produce a personal outcome or outcomes under exam conditions within 10 hours.


Each component is assessed against the same four assessment objectives. All work is internally set and is internally marked. A sample of work is then externally moderated by a visiting moderator at the end of Year 11.  Students will be awarded with one GCSE 1-9 grades.


Each student will have four lessons of Art per fortnight (typically, two lessons per week)


Component 1: Personal Portfolio (internally set)

Students create a Personal Portfolio of work that covers three different themes/titles.


Title 1 - Oceans

Title 2 – The Land

Title 3 – Previous year 11 exam title


Each project must comprise supporting studies and personal responses to demonstrates the knowledge, understanding and skills for the following four assessment objectives:


  • Develop and explore ideas
  • Research primary and contextual sources
  • Experiment with media, materials, techniques and processes
  • Present personal response(s)


This component is completed throughout Year 10 and at the start of Year 11.


The core key skills needed will be taught throughout all three titles using the same format. This will support students to compile a sketchbook that demonstrates their skills in meeting all four assessment objectives. Responses will include evidence of drawing for different purposes and written annotation.


Students are encouraged to do their own research and work in their sketchbooks in an individual way. We also would encourage all students to visit galleries and museums independently and take photographs whenever possible.


Component 1: Personal Portfolio (internally set)

Students create a Personal Portfolio of work that covers three different themes/titles.


Title 1 - Oceans

Title 2 – The Land

Title 3 – Previous year 11 exam title


Each project must comprise supporting studies and personal responses to demonstrates the knowledge, understanding and skills for the following four assessment objectives:


  • Develop and explore ideas
  • Research primary and contextual sources
  • Experiment with media, materials, techniques and processes
  • Present personal response(s)


This component is completed throughout Year 10 and at the start of Year 11.


The core key skills needed will be taught throughout all three titles using the same format. This will support students to compile a sketchbook that demonstrates their skills in meeting all four assessment objectives. Responses will include evidence of drawing for different purposes and written annotation.


Students are encouraged to do their own research and work in their sketchbooks in an individual way. We also would encourage all students to visit galleries and museums independently and take photographs whenever possible.


Component 2:  Externally Set Assignment

This assignment title is released to centres in January and is worth 40% of the final grade. Students will complete exam preparation in the same format as component 1 covering the same four assessment objectives. They will then produce a personal outcome or outcomes under exam conditions within 10 hours (typically over two days)


Assessment and Intervention at Key Stage 4 

Students will receive regular formative assessments allowing teachers to track progress and identify gaps in skills and knowledge.


For those students with the most significant progress gaps, after-school intervention sessions will be delivered in order to help them catch up. 


In Year 11, students will sit a mock exam which allows us to gain accurate data on student progress. Preparatory work to compile a sketchbook will begin in October and then in January they will then produce a personal outcome within 10 hours under exam conditions. Although this project is treated as a mock it goes towards their personal portfolio for component 1. 


Art - Long Term Plans KS4

Useful websites

and resources

Year 10;  https://padlet.com/vreed26/elhxpwssabxf88h0

Year 11: https://padlet.com/jrevell1/q9nl4lhbq4dfyoe1





GCSE Bitesize Art and Design – Understanding the four assessment objectives

Student Art Guide – Understanding the process of a sketchbook

Pinterest – Researching artists and techniques

YouTube - Researching how to use different techniques/processes 

Possible areas of future Studies

Art A Level

Diploma Art and Design

Possible future careers




Graphic designer



Costume designer

Fashion designer


Furniture design

Interior designer

Set designer

Textiles designer

Web designer

Games designer